helping you create value, manage people and sell solutions

Strategic Innovation: from Possibilities to Programs

Workshop Description

Are you and your team inventing the future of your industry?

Are you leveraging your strategic assets and core competencies to propel your innovation forward?

The wind of change is gathering momentum. The waves of new technologies and tsunamis of radical products are flooding the market faster than anyone can comprehend what is going on.

You need to be one step ahead of the competition, one step ahead of the world and one step ahead of imagination.

To win, you need to lead your team

–       to imagine the future,

–       to generate possibilities

–       to create technologies and to launch innovations before the world catches up with new products.

Workshop Objectives:

In this fast-pace and highly interactive workshop, participants shall:

–       Focus on an industry or a domain,

–       Dream of the all its possibilities,

–       Imagine a future perfect world for the customers,

–       Document their unmet and unarticulated needs,

–       Watch out for emerging trends,

–       Plot their discontinuities,

–       Understand the industry of today and of the future,

–       Leverage your strategic assets and core competencies

–       Challenge its norm, break the norm,

–       Stretch the norm, reinvent the norm

–       Harness the Seas of Opportunities,

–       Invent the World of Tomorrow

The output of this workshop shall be clusters of program / project ideas known as the Seas of Opportunities.

Workshop Contents

Day 1

  1. Understanding the future signs, trends and observations
    1. SWIFT technique
  2. Discovering unmet customers’ needs
    1. Customer needs matrix
    2. A day in the life of a customer

Day 2

  1. Defining and leveraging strategic assets and core competencies
  2. Challenging the norm of what is possible
  3. What new strategic assets should we build?
  4. Mapping Seas of Challenges
  5. What obstacles must we overcome?
  6. Creating the new future world

Intended Audience:

Chief Innovation Officer, General Managers, Program Managers, Project Managers, Business Managers, Innovation Managers, Innovation Team, R & D Managers, Scientists, Researchers, and anyone wishing to invent or reinvent the future.

Workshop Methodology

This dynamic highly interactive workshop will be conducted with a good blend of instruction, brain-storming, discussions and games. Participants are encouraged to bring their real-life ideas / problems to the class for discussions and ideas generation.

Workshop Duration: 2 days

Call John Seah: (65) 6648-4439