helping you create value, manage people and sell solutions

Delivering Excellent Customer Service at Multiple Touch Points

Face-to Face, Over the Phone and Through the Web

Dates: April 16 – 17, 2015
(confirmed class – hurry!)

Full Fee: $650 /pax

Discounted Fee:  $600 /pax for 4 or more pax

Click here to download EVI-Registrationform 2015

Workshop Description

In today’s world, customers have multiple choices to meet their different needs, so it is vital that you can serve your customers with more than just one way. This workshop will focus on knowledge and skills to deliver excellent customer service in person with, on the phone, and also through the internet with your customers.

This is a 2-days training that will be conducted in 3 manners:

  1. Increase knowledge- Understand the key customer needs and the desired experience. Naming the driving factors
  2. Increase new skills – adapt the right skills to meet service standards, such as right appearance, tone, ease of getting service, building customer relationship and saying the right service language.
  3. Increase human touch – develop right attitude in service, having positive thinking matters discussed.

Workshop Content
This course focuses on delivering service to customers at a face to face intervention, over the telephone in a call and on the website using self-help at any time. The course covers the following modules:

  1. Defining customer service and the key success elements in each of the 3 different delivery modes:
    1. Face-to-Face
    2. Over the phone
    3. Through the internet
  2. Having a clear understanding of the importance of excellent customer service across the customer experience lifecycle and how it can impact the customer satisfaction, retention and the business.
  3. Knowing ways to identify customer needs and factors that drive satisfied customers and unsatisfied customers for each touch point. For example:
    1. In face-to-face service, the customer service staff can see from the body language and movement of the customers,
    2. Over a phone call, the customer service staff can listen to the tone of the voice and
    3. Through the web, some key web metrics can be monitored
  4. Learning a simple 4-steps technique that will be used to serve customers  (Ears-Listen to the customers, Mouth – Repeat problem, Heart – empathize with the customers and Hands – follow up.)

In Day 2 the course outline will expand to perform customer service in difficult situations such as customer service has failed or customer needs are not met.

1.   Recognizing and understanding service challenges such as broken service, under deliver customer expectation and promises for a in-person service and in a call service.

2.   Applying service recovery techniques in listening to customer service challenges, confirming the customer needs, delivering the possible solution or offering alternative, following up with a proper closure and staying positive throughout the entire approach

3.   Using step-by-step approach to manage difficult customers, giving detail examples of statements that can be used in each different interaction with the customers. It starts with engaging a difficult customer to closing the interaction and ending with a delighted customer experience.

4.   Finally there are role-plays for 3 kinds of customers’ behaviour; they are high expectation customers, angry customers and special needs customers.

The instructional strategies used are very interactive with didactic questioning, group discussion, games relating to the listening skills and role -play.